Sunday, November 13, 2011


YES! It's that time again :] care package time!
my mother-in-law and i are pretty awesome at putting the most ridiculous items in my husbands care packages. REMEBER, you're trying to make them smile, laugh and not think about how much they miss home! My husband loves ridiculous items at stores, for instance, the extremely larger pencils and pens that are like...two feet long! stupid stuff like my favorite places to find these stupid things are Bed Bath and Beyond, Wal-greens, and Target.
Seriously, i just go to the $1 value items that are usually by the checkout and just find hilarious things. and he loves them.
i just finished my Christmas package.  I went to a craft fair with my husbands grandma and mom a couple weekends ago and found a marshmellow gun made of PBC pipes. if you know my husband and his friends...they make all sorts of crap out of PBC pipe! so he will love this.
Anyway, i got alittle carried away witht he glitter...its pretty much an explosion of glitter...i hope he gets embarrassed :]
i hope you like it and i hope this gives others ideas when making care packages.

Christmas Package!!

Yes that is a candy cane shot glass :]

all finished and wrapped :]
i also sent him a "peanuts" themed tree and made these ornaments to put on it!!!

If looks could kill

Something happened to me today that made me really mad.  And if you know me, I dont get mad very often or easily.  I usally keep to my self and mind my own buisness but this REALLY bothered me!!
I was grocery shopping with my in-laws today at King Soopers, cheyenne was in the "car" in front of the shopping cart... You know, the carts that keep the little ones "busy" so you can actually do some shopping lol.
ANYWAY, Carson is in his carseat latched onto the shopping cart.  As we are checking out, this lady next to us glances over with a nasty look on her face and sees cheyenne playing in the car, looks up at carson (same look) and then looks at me YES WITH THE SAME LOOK and then whispers something to the other lady she is with.
This lady has no shame with  her "stank face" either cause she does it about three more times.
Now, I'm not sure why she gave me this awful look or what she was saying to her other lady friend but i'm assuming it has to do with me being a "young" mom and maybe that i let my child play in the car attached to the shopping cart OH YEAH and im assuming that because im young mom, im probably a single young mom. but lets get something straight, yes i am a young mom. and yes i am temporarily playing the role of a single mom because my HUSBAND is fighting for your freedom and democracy!
This is irratating for me because this is not the first time this has happened to me. after my son was born i went to enroll him into DEERS and this girl, also military, comes up and says "youre way too young to be a mom of two"

I have alot of respect for other women who are young and are taking care of their kids alone...since my husband is in the military, i do alot of this alone. i cant imagine having to do this all the time. it is alot of work and it is hard.  I bet they get the same crap and same looks that i got today..but remember THEY DO NOT KNOW YOU OR YOUR SITUATION! 
these people do not know that i'm married, that my husband and i ahve been together for almost 7 years, that we wanted to have children young, that im just about done with school or that he was deployed. So i find it interesting that these people have it so easy to say things like that to me or give me the look of death.

Just had to get that out of my system...the way this lady glared at my kids and me really bothered me to all the mommies out there! whatever your situation may be!


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Half way there :]

I've never felt like ive accomplished so much until now. 
My highschool sweetheart became the man of my dreams, we've overcome seperation thanks to military duty...bootcamp...underways...
we've sacrificed birthdays, anniversaries, holidays and a birth...we have two beautiful children and YES after almost 4 months...we have finally hit our halfway mark of this deployment!!!!
But wait it doesnt end there, im almost done with school, ive lost 34lbs since having my son 2 months ago and just recently i started my own cute little buisness making military support items.  I honestly dont understand how i make the time for all of this, but i can say that this all makes me happy...minus the fact that my husband can't be with us right now.
This all keeps me busy and keeps my mind off of this deployment.
Thinking about everything that i am doing makes me feel so accomplished...i overcame some of the hardest obstacles a military wife can go through.I DID IT...I DID!
i am so thankful for the strength god has blessed me with to able to do all of this.
GOD IS GOOD and i will NEVER doubt him.
Here's to the last half of this deployment!

BTW, here are some pictures my friend took for us to send to spencer :]
you can check her out at

Fall Pictures For Daddy

These were all taken in Manitou, Colorado.
It is beautiful there :]
check out Vega Photography